The houseless epidemic, unchecked fentanyl, and an economic trend that burdens families are problems that can’t be simply addressed by throwing money at them.

We need to address the contributing factors as a community, not as politicians scoring “I fixed it” points.



The contributing factors to the houseless epidemic are having a domino effect on our safety, our environment,  our resources and the wasteful way in which the city has been throwing away tens of millions of dollars year after year to “fix” it. We can’t just build more housing units, temporary villages,  and break up unsanctioned camps and expect the problem to be solved.


Public Safety

The fentanyl plaguing our streets needs to be addressed aggressively.  This is a drug that has seeped into every corner of Portland. In this year alone, at least three reported overdoses involving children ages 1 to 3.

The city doesn’t have the resources to resolve drug issues of this magnitude. We can’t afford to NOT prioritize this issue as it’s ruining the lives of Portlanders. It's ruining the lives of our loved ones. And it’s changing the landscape of Portland city streets.

It’s time we take our city back.

I will not advocate for giving the police a blank check, I am not for defunding the police, I am for restructuring the police.


Cost of Living

Portlanders deserve affordable housing for working-class families, with livable wages and opportunities to build familial prosperity.

The struggle is real.

With a limited housing market, skyrocketing food costs, and high property tax, day-to-day living in Portland is becoming unmanageable. Building more housing alone will not fix the problem. We need stricter rent controls, neighborhood planning, and livable wage increases. 

The houseless epidemic, unchecked fentanyl, and high cost of living that burdens families are problems that can’t be simply addressed by throwing money at them. We need to address the contributing factors as a community, not as politicians scoring “I fixed it” points.